Why this is my favorite anime:
Because it's funny and sort of pointless.
Why I hate it:
No second season! D:
Hey, I'm only really doing this to get the associated badge, lol. But dont be afraid to ask me anything if I can be of service, I guess. :P
my onion
this just my little tiny onion but i think that some people who say a lot of bbullcrap and theyn victimise themselves about things thoat are clearly their fault ar(desu) weak lul
i wonder whats it like in lithuania?? do u think theres a lot of weeby white boys there? just my onion tho hehe
also what you guys think about going to someone on another wiki and harassing them just because they wrote some cold hard truths that they dont like on an anime they like? :)
also looky at what i found here about certain weeby white boys who enjoys to harass, mock and purposely misgender people for their own sheer enjoyment :D http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Contributions/Idontcareaboutmyname http://amaburi.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Contributions/
its been a while tiny sons and onions :)
i me glassliplover lover of all glasslips and onions is back
i want your onions on this but who here ships kanie with future-kun?
hi ewveyryone
i miade a typing mistake because im a human bean after all
how r u folks doing?
my ankles are aching :./
i feel like a prego lady
like my maths teacher
hope her tiny son is doing well
Tiramy X Garnet
while busy reading RAW Light Novel of this Anime and share summary of each chapter ... i created a cross pairing and look nice
Tiramy with Garnet of Jewel Pets
onions and granddaddies
no offensive but just my onion how are you all doing today?
it feels great that i have no school this week
shoutout to wikia user weebfighter she fancies old granddaddies
that is all
Where is Imterry?
Just my little onion but....I havn't seem them much. I wonder where they are and how they are doing?? Do they look at this wiki and see how good it is? I hope so :)
Imtenyru if you're reading this: haha :D
anyway, lots of new faces. Not sure how I feel about that, I guess its a sign of my negligance. Me and my freinds havnt been on much and because of that some new kids have infested it.
Amagi Park Chat Roulette
This is a blog where we can talk things out and bring in new discussions or topics along the way.
a day anniversity
it hasbeen a day since
great day
i hope they r enjoying the other wikis ......... :^)c
atm im quite busy with work so i cant do much atm! but when i have time i will sort out with the character galleries. ithinkits too much to have it all in one page??
the demon has been perished
im free and I can chill a bit more im so happy today is a great day for a great editor thank you friends and my family and of course my tiny son and his tiny onion
thank you everyone I hope you enjoy my onions and edits !!━━━゚+。:.゚ヾ(☆>∀
me and my tiny son have been thinking..hmm ...
that in our onions there (im)s a Fake p(terry)son lurking around this wikia hmm
im back
im back with my tiny son and his tiny onion. things are resolved kinda ...
dont you find it funny when someone starts some stir and the whole points thing is threatened and then that very person goes o lets edit peacefully !! .... my tiny son screams out fake
but ok .. hello im back
im here to update you guys with my daily life situations
at the moment i need to write up my psychology notes on attachment: later relationships - the development of friendship in childhood and adolescene
if any of you guys do psychology i would love to talk about skinner and freud with you(:
hiya lul
so apparently this ImTerry person wants us to make "normal" blog posts where we can talk to each other even tho they have not made any lol
hows life my tiny sons :3
good bye guys
i apparantly cant make blog posts anymore... so ..
you guys wont be updated on my life.. but i will be here to edit the pages and stuff anD ADD LOTS OF HIGH QUALITY PICTURES TO THE WIKI AND ADD VIDEOS THAT NOONE HAS SEEN YET,,, bye
onion on a math question
a particle which is moving in a straight line with constant acceleration 1.6 m/s^2 is initially at a point O on a straight line and moving with velocity 4 m/s find
the displacement of the particle during the furth second of the motion
This question doesnt make sense to me. What does the second sentence have to do with the first??? Do not be offended, I am not trying to start a fight but u should throw ur teacher out of a window. I think the answer lies somehwere in the velocity bc they talk about speed twice. As an english critic and sociologist, I can infer that the writer is trying to guide you to understand that the particle is going very fast. This may be linked to the writers fascination with the mainstream media figure, sonic. Sonic's…
Episode 2
I haven't watched it yet but I hope to wtach it soon.
This is just my little onion but this is a good wiki and a good anime but the manga is shady. I've been adding lots of stuff from the manga lately but I don't really like it that much
HELP !!!
i know i already made this onion before...but have u seen my tiny son?
hes been missing since 10th oct 7:19pm at GMT timezone
please find him his big onion misses him
mechanics 1
im stuck on my homework on question 2c)
what should i do i have to give this in after the weekend
i was told to make more blog posts so...
here is a big onion from yours truly Glassliplover @Tiny Sons™
hiya lol
just my tiny onion son
i like tiny onions and my tiny son... i dont have school tomorrow yay so i can do more edits towards this wiki with my knowledge and life experiences
im tired i want the weekend friday to come soon since i have friday off!!! cant wait to sleep a lot zzzz
I have so much work to do!!!! I had to stay up late to do some geography homework and now i think I'll have to stay up late again so I can do my english essay and more geography. Geography is killing me!!!!!!! But I think I'll rewatch episode one after I've done some work to motivate myself becuase i liked episode 1
I'm so glad i'm only doing 3 subjects how did I manage doing four last year?? Who knows lmao
Hello, my name is Norleon and I'm an admin of the "K-ON Wiki". Recently, the idea came up to create an affiliation-group for all wikis containing content of animes made by Kyoto Animation, which includes your wiki as well (even though the series is still to be broadcasted :D ). If you are interested to join the discussion about the project, please follow me on the K-ON Wiki. I and the wiki hope to see you there. :)